2018-09-12 Button mechanics features

While I was waiting for some tasks at my day time job as a web developer, I was able to implement the basics of the button trigger: now if you place a rock (or yourself) over this button, you can open doors, remove the weight over the button and it will close. Now I'm thinking about giving these features to the buttons
Timed buttons: let's say a button opens a door that is a bit far from the button, once you press the button, whatever the door activated will be deactivated in some some seconds, in this case, the door will be closed again soon, if you're not fast enough to reach the door, you would have to go back and press the button
Buttons with custom weight: for some buttons, more weight might be needed to trigger them, like sphere rocks, bombs or maybe some heavy enemies (this one is kind of done, I just have to play with some parameters)
Perpetual buttons: once you push them, it doesn't matter if you remove the weight over the button, whatever this button activated will remain activated forever

2018 October: Done

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