Matter 0.8.3 available to test, welcome back Linux!

EDIT: The MacOS version continues to face issues about the game looking totally dark. If you have this same issue, try playing the game in fullscreen. Also, if any of you players and testers find this  issue, I'd really be grateful if you tell me which version of MacOS are you using. Regards!


For this time I have been working on the custom event system (the thing behind buttons, sockets (the places where you place rocks), etc) , now these event triggerers can trigger a camera action, so if you press a button, the camera can do an animation, something like a cutscene but really basic, I made it simple enough for me to be easy to add cameras following things or following a linear path after the player does something. With this I can increase conveyance, telling the player the way he should go after he achieves something.

Also I created a key trigger that allows to do all these things if you press a certain key (for tomorrow I will make this multiple so if you press any of a group of keys rather than only one key, an action is triggered)

Finally I also did the multiple trigger object, this allows me to require a group of event triggers to be all enabled at the same time to trigger the actions they want.

Some of these awesomeness cannot be seen yet in this new build, however you will notice camera moving less aggressively and being animated after you press some buttons, specially at levels 2 and 4.



Matter 0-8-3 17 MB
Oct 21, 2018
Matter 0-8-3 22 MB
Oct 21, 2018
Matter 0-8-3 23 MB
Oct 21, 2018

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